Our Special Programs
It all starts in the classroom

Kutubee is a fun and educational digital reading platform that contains over 1500 illustrated children's stories in Arabic, English and French for kids in the age of 3-11. Kutubee Platform was recognized as the main source for the interactive Reading program at ACS since 2021. This electronic library of interactive storyboards presents a unique digital reading experience with more than 1500 stories, from all genres, that are classified by graded reading level, by topic and by IB themes, so that students can improve their reading and explore their interests.

ACS strongly believes that drama enhances verbal and nonverbal expression of ideas. It improves voice projection, articulation of words, fluency with language, and persuasive speech. That’s why ACS launches a Drama club in collaboration with Helen O’Grady Drama Academy – a leading drama academy in Ghana- to boost students’ self-confidence and prepare them to be 21st century citizens.

Robotics and programming are the most essential keys to success in the 21st century. They affect almost every domain in modern life. …… Accra Community School has signed a partnership agreement with MAURYA, a professional organization headed by a team of directors who are dedicated to the cause of offering society a novel and path – breaking method of education through the Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic and Robotics. ACS signed a partnership agreement to collaborate on areas of education, research, community engagement, and development, student exchange, transfer of technology, and dissemination of knowledge. This collaboration has established the 1st full equipped STEAM Laboratory in Ghana and provided an expert engineer teacher to lead students to a totally new horizon. Moreover, every student in ACS has his\her own customized robot to practice more at home and come up with innovate ideas that allow children to work on their life skills along with social skills. It would also help them to stand out of the crowd in front of their future employers.

COGNIA Accreditation
In its journey to excellence in education, Accra Community School is working on Cognia Accreditation to improve the quality of the educational services provided to students and to book its place among the leading educational institutions around the globe. Cognia Accreditation gives our school actionable data from a team of professional reviewers to help us display a seal of educational quality that is recognized worldwide. It also guides us to leverage our strengths for improvement.

Skills & Competences
Based on the 21st century skills design ACS has integrated Skills in the curriculum to help students learn and succeed in school and beyond. These skills focus on learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills. These Skills prepare students to be responsible, confident, adaptable, decision makers, collaborative, critical thinkers, creative and much more.

Homework Support Program
Believing that after a long school day students should spend quality time with family and enjoy outdoor activities, Accra Community School offers students the opportunity to participate in a unique experience called Homework Support Program. This program aims to help students finish their homework under the supervision of professional teachers who will re-explain any misconception and prepare students for the quizzes and exams.

Model United Nations “MUN”
MUN (Model United Nations) is a cultural and educational program that aims to simulate the United Nations so that students become representatives of countries discussing global issues to reach solutions that satisfy all parties. This program helps in improving the student's skills in public speaking, diplomatic debate and research, as well as boosting self-confidence and developing tolerance. The MUN program is organized in different countries around the world like: USA, Spain, Turkey, Ghana, Lebanon, etc. Participating in this global program, ACS students were able to win 11 awards in the MUN conference held in Izmir in 2022.

Extra-Curricular Activities
How does ACS make learning more fun and engaging?
ACS conducts extra-curricular activities, competitions, competitive academic clubs like Culture Day, talent show, elections and the list goes on and on. All these activities and much more enable ACS students to explore new avenues of thinking and collaborate in a more comfortable learning environment.

Special Education
Special education is the practice of educating students in a way that accommodates their individual differences to improve the quality of their life. Special education concentrates on working on behalf of students who have learning difficulties using a wide variety of techniques, hands on activities along with modifications and accommodations for the main STEAM program. Our Special educators help to develop Individual Education Plans (IEPs). They can identify and set reasonable academic targets for students and help determine what students need in order to succeed in school. They work as advisors for the student's family, answering their questions and providing advice through the process of developing the IEP.

Sustainable Development Goals SDGs
Eleven boys and girls die every single minute from preventable causes. Tens of millions of children are still not in school. Hundreds of millions of people have no access to clean water. About a 100 trees are cut per minute. Today, ACS commits itself to Sustainable Development Goals. We do realize how difficult the task may be, but we understand this is something that we must commit ourselves to. Because in doing so, we prove to be the global leaders in this international community.