Accra Community School (ACS) is a K-12 international education establishment that delivers authentic learning incorporating both American and Lebanese Curricula installing diversity, inclusion, and equity. ACS ensures high quality education in a safe and healthy learning environment. ACS empowers its learners through learner-centered approach and value-based education to foster ACS learners’ capabilities and demonstrate their potentials through the foundation for Life-long learning with values, skills, and transferable knowledge to be able to adapt to a changing world.


Accra Community School (ACS) is a K-12 international education establishment that delivers authentic learning incorporating both American and Lebanese Curricula installing diversity, inclusion, and equity. ACS ensures high quality education in a safe and healthy learning environment. ACS empowers its learners through learner-centered approach and value-based education to foster ACS learners’ capabilities and demonstrate their potentials through the foundation for Life-long learning with values, skills, and transferable knowledge to be able to adapt to a changing world.

Leadership excellence impacting academic performance attaining 21st century competencies championing global sustainable development goals.

Leadership excellence impacting academic performance attaining 21st century competences championing global sustainable development goals.